David:This apartment is nice, but I am a student and would like to find a cheaper apartment. I think a two-bedroom is too expensive. Maybe a one-bedroom apartment would be cheaper.這套房子是不錯,但我是個學生,想找間便宜一點兒的。雙人間的房子太貴了,單間要便宜些吧。
David:I don"t need a spacious apartment.我不需要那么寬敞的房子。
David:What floor is it on? 在幾樓?
You:It is on the 6th floor.六樓。
David:Does the apartment building have an elevator?這個房子有電梯嗎?
David:Well, I don"t think I am interested. Thanks anyway.哦,我想我對這房子不太感興趣。不過還是得謝謝你。