Sheldon: Are you still mad about the sperm bank?
Leonard: No.
Sheldon: You want to hear an interesting thing about stairs?
Leonard: Not really.
Sheldon: If the height of a single step is off by as little as two millimetres, people will trip.
Leonard: I don’t care. Two millimetres?That doesn’t seem right.
Sheldon: No, it’s true, I did a series of experiments when I was twelve, my father broke his clavicle.
Leonard: Is that why they sent you to boarding school?
Sheldon: No, that was the result of my work with lasers.
(Leonard spots Penny in the doorway of the apartment opposite. He is immediately interested.)
Leonard: New neighbour?
Sheldon: Evidently.
Leonard: Significant improvement over the old neighbour.
Sheldon: Two hundred pound transvestite with a skin condition, yes she is.
Penny (noticing them for the first time):Oh, hi!
Leonard: Hi.
Sheldon: Hi.
Leonard: Hi.
Sheldon: Hi.
Penny: Hi?
Leonard: We don’t mean to interrupt, we live across the hall.
Penny: Oh, that’s nice.
Leonard: Oh… uh… no… we don’t live together… um… we live together but in separate, heterosexual bedrooms.
Penny: Oh, okay, well, guess I’m your new neighbour, Penny.
Leonard: Leonard, (pointing) Sheldon.
Penny: Hi.
Leonard: Hi.
Sheldon: Hi.
Penny: Hi.
Leonard: Hi. Well… uh… oh, welcome to the building.
Penny: Thank you, maybe we can have coffee sometime.
Leonard: Oh, great.
Penny: Great.
Sheldon: Great.
Leonard: Great. Well, bye.
Penny: Bye.
Sheldon: Bye.
Leonard: Bye.
(Penny closes door.)
【釋】[I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (over/up) catch one’s foot on sth and stumble or fall (牛津高階)使絆倒:某人的腳被勾住,絆倒或跌倒
【例】She tripped (over the cat) and fell. (牛津高階)
【例】I tripped over, dropping the tray I was carrying. (牛津高階)
【釋】n (anatomy) collar-bone 鎖骨. (牛津高階)
【釋】an entrance into a building or room (韋氏)
【釋】a person who adopts the dress and often the behavior typical of the opposite sex (參考韋氏)
across the hall
【釋】on the other side of (sth) (牛津高階)
【例】We shall soon be across the Channel. (牛津高階)
【例】He shouted to me from across the room. (牛津高階)
【例】Across the river is a log cabin, the owner of which is a hunter manipulated by the wicked queen. (自造)
【釋】adj feeling sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex (牛津高階)