Already run one mile aday? Why not try seven?
What makes someone uncomfortable depends on the person, but what’s universally true is the value of recognizing boundaries and continually pushing them.
Here are some uncomfortable things that other Quora users have found helped them grow:
1.Question everything
The most uncomfortablething one can do is to question everything that is taken for granted and seek answers. Try to see the other side of the norm.
2.Be honest
Being the most honestyou’ve ever been with someone in your life will be one of the most uncomfortable things you can do, but it could also be the most valuable.
To do this, hesuggests writing a list of all the people to whom you have something -good orbad -to say; writing down the honest feelings you need to convey to them in aletter; handing the person the letter; and writing down what happened and howthe experience affected you and the other person.
3.Wake up extremely early
Ekin ?calan loves towake up before sunrise because it provides the perfect study-and-workenvironment. While everyone else sleeps, waking at 5 a.m. is the perfect, wayto begin the day in silence.
4.Watch your pennies.
From auto repairs andlife insurance to coffee and french fries, keep track of every penny you spendfor several months.
And try paying foreverything you can with cash. If you have to reach in your wallet and pull outcash, you will often think twice about how much you need something.
5.Track what you eat
Keeping track of allthe food you eat and all the exercise you do in a day can be challenging, butthis helped one web user see the harm she was doing to her body.
"I didn’t realizehow little of some nutrients I was getting and how much sugar and fat I wasgetting daily until I started to do this regularly," she writes.
6.Eat only nutritiousfood
After you track yourfood, start eating only what is truly nutritious — This will change your lifeforever.
This will be uncomfortable for a number of reasons: It’s hard; it’s socially limiting; itcan be more expensive if you are used to eating off the dollar menu; it’s notas tasty when you start, and it takes more time.
But the outcome is100% worth the effort. "Being a weird health nut and out performingeveryone else is so much more fun than blending in -and that’s not just athletically. It’s mentally as well."
7.Practice publicspeaking
It may be scary tothink about, but you never know when you may be called upon to speak in public.Practice, while daunting, is the key to improving your communication skills.
It’s scary as helluntil you realize that everyone around you feels the same.
8.Accomplish an almostimpossible goal
The most uncomfortablething you can do is to set and achieve a goal that’s harder than something you’veever done before.
To do that, think about a thing you’re comfortable doing every day and amplify it until you getto a point where you become really scared of doing it. If you run a mile everyday, the idea of running seven might terrify you. Set this as your one-yeargoal.
9.Pick just one thingto master at a time
Your approach to self-betterment might be trying as many things as possible and seeing what works. But using theopposite tactic, though uncomfortable, is key.
If you’re constantlychanging interests, you’re never going to discover your own internal progress.So pick one thing and become progressively committed to mastering it. Itdoesn’t matter what it is, anything will do, as long as you do.