Beep! Beep! Beep! I rolled over and turned off my alarm clock.“嘀!嘀!嘀!”我翻了個身,關掉了鬧鐘。
It was still dark outside so I felt my way to the wall switch and turned on the light.外面還一片漆黑,我摸索著穿過房間,找到墻上的開關,打開電燈。
I got dressed quickly because I knew both of my dogs would be eager to get outside for their morning walk.我快速穿好衣服,我知道我的兩條狗都急不可耐地想要出門去晨練了。
I reached over to grab a coat and stopped.我伸手去拿外套,然后楞了一下。
It was technically still Fall but the weather here in the Appalachian mountains of my home didn’t follow a calendar.按道理來說,現在還是晚秋,可是我的家在阿拉巴契亞山腳下,氣候與時令迥異。
It had been cold and snowy two days ago and warm and rainy yesterday.兩天前還雪花飄飄,嚴寒刺骨。昨天又小雨淅淅,溫暖如春。
I had forgotten to check the weather report for today, however, so I wasn’t sure if I needed my light jacket or my heavy coat.昨天我忘了查今天的天氣情況了,我考慮了一下,是應該選擇輕便的夾克衫還是厚外套。
I decided on my light jacket, pulled it on, and leashed up my bigger dog, Fluffy to walk first.我決定穿夾克衫。我拉好拉鏈,我決定先帶我的大狗Fluffy出去溜一圈,給它拴上了繩子。
I opened the door and stepped outside. Instantly I knew I had made the wrong choice.我打開門,走到門外。很快我就明白自己做出了錯誤的選擇。
Each breath I exhaled was a frozen mist. The wind chill was bitter cold.我呼吸的每一口空氣都充滿凍結的水汽。寒風像刀子一樣刮著我的臉。
The grass was covered in frost and I tied to keep my balance while Fluffy dragged me along behind him.草地上結著一層冰霜。Fluffy拖著我向前走,我不得不努力保持平衡,才不至于摔倒。
I shivered and grumbled for a bit but finally I turned my head up to the sky.我打了個哆嗦,忍不住抱怨了幾句。但最后,我仰起頭看向天空。
I looked up at the pre-dawn sky and saw it was full of twinkling stars.我抬頭看著黎明前的天空,看到滿天星辰。
The man in the moon was smiling down on me too.月中吳剛似在對我微笑。
It was so beautiful and so peaceful. Suddenly, I felt a warmth inside of me and stopped shivering.此情此景,如此美好,如此安詳。我感到身體里面升起一股暖意,身體不再瑟瑟發抖。
While my dog sniffed the ground I opened my heart to the wonder of Nature’s creation.我的狗嗅著地面上的氣味,我敞開心扉,為大自然創造的這般奇跡心存感恩。
In all of its sweet seasons it had never failed to touch my soul.一年四季,各有魅力。無論哪一季,都會觸動我的心靈深處。
It had heated my heart on the coldest days and lighted my spirit on the darkest nights.在最嚴寒的冬天,自然的魅力會溫暖我的心,在最深的黑夜里,它也會鼓舞我的心緒。
I stood there awhile in nature’s palace. Then I thanked Nature for the love that created the moon, the stars, and me.我站在那里,仰望著這自然的瓊樓玉宇。我對自然心存感恩,感謝宇宙自然對萬物的愛,感謝它創造了這一輪明月,這一夜星空,還有我這個卑微之人。
Our lives here are full of sweet seasons as well.我們的生活中也有四季變遷。
From the innocence and youth of Spring to the wisdom and wrinkles of Winter we are all called to live, to give, to grow and to love. Enjoy all your sweet seasons then.幼年如春,純樸無暇,生機勃勃;暮年如冬,形骸枯朽、了知天命。我們都受到自然的趨勢,去生活,去給予,去成長,去愛。去馨享你的一生四季吧!
Make each day of them a creation of your love.讓一生四季中的每一天,都盛滿你的愛吧!