Transsexual flight attendants (from L to R): Nathatai Sukkaset, 26, Dissanai Chitpraphachin, 24, Chayathisa Nakmai, 24, and Phuntakarn Sringern, 24, pose for photographers at PC Air office in Bangkok Feb 9, 2011. (Agencies)
A new Thai airline is hiring transsexual ladyboys as flight attendants, aiming at a unique identity to set itself apart from competitors as it sets out for the skies。
Ladyboy,泰語音譯叫katoey,主要指從小服用雌性激素而發育出女性特征的男性,漢語中多稱“人妖”。他們當中有一部分人做了變性手術,是transgender/transsexual(變性人);還有相當一部分只是transvestite(異裝癖),身體特征還是男性。這些人在社會上被歸為the third gender(第三性別)。
Flight attendant就是飛機上的“空中服務員”,男女都可以擔任,不過人們多見到的還是airline hostess(空姐),而包括機長在內的“全體機組人員”則可以用cabin crew來表示。