And now for ... something old, 現在接著是……一些舊的,
something new, something borrowed, 一些新的,一些借來的,
and something blue. 和一些藍色的。
OK. Let’s see. 好。讓我們看看。
Something borrowed. 借來的東西。
That’s this dress. Borrowed from Marilyn. 那就是這件禮服。跟Marilyn借的。
Something blue. 藍色的東西。
My wristband. 我的腕帶。
I wore it when I married your father. 我和你父親結婚時戴著它。
Oh, Mother. I forgot you still had it. 噢,媽媽。我忘了你仍然保留著它。
It’s just so lovely. 它是那么可愛。
I bought it in an antique shop 我在一家古董店買的。
when I was about eighteen years old. 那時我差不多十八歲。
I saved it for my wedding day. 我留著等我的結婚日才用。
And you saved it for me, didn’t you, Mother? 也留著要給我,對嗎,媽媽?
Yes, honey. I did. 是的,親愛的。是這樣。
Are we ever going to finish? 我們這樣談得完嗎?
All right. OK. 好吧。行了。
Something borrowed. 借的東西。
The wedding dress. And something blue. 結婚禮服。藍色的東西。
The wristband. Something old? 腕帶。舊的東西?
Something old. 舊的東西。
Right. What’s old? 對了,舊的東西是什么?
Of course! 當然有!
Something old. 舊的東西。
I had planned to wear them. 我早就預備戴它們。
Grandma’s pearls! 祖母的珍珠項鏈!
Oh, Grandpa will be so pleased that you’re wearing them. 噢,戴了它,祖父一定會非常高興。
I’m sure he misses Grandma on a day like this. 我想在這樣的日子祖父一定會思念祖母。
Help me with them, Marilyn. 幫我戴上,Marilyn。
I’ve never worn them before. 我從來沒有戴過這個。
I’ve been saving them for today. 我一直留著等今天才戴。
Saving them for today? 留著等今天?
Oh, you’re a real Stewart! 噢,是一個真正Stewart家的成員!
Oh, there you go. 噢 一切都好了。
Lovely! 太可愛了 !
Lovely! 太可愛了 !
Lovely! 太可愛了 !
Something borrowed, something blue. 借的東西,藍色的東西。
Something old ... 舊的東西……
and now for something new. 現在輪到新的東西了。
The veil. 面紗。
Oh, it’s so beautiful, Marilyn! 噢,它好漂亮, Marilyn!
You really are a fabulous designer, Marilyn. 真是一個絕佳的設計師 ,Marilyn。
Doesn’t it look just right on Susan? Susan戴起來正好,不是嗎?
Perfect! 太棒了!
And when you both say, "I do," 當你們兩人都說,“我愿意” 時,
Harry will lift this veil over your head Harry會掀起面紗
and kiss the bride. 吻新娘。
Oh, I’m so excited! 噢,我真是太興奮了!
When you said, "I do," Marilyn, 當你說 “我愿意” 時, Marilyn,
it suddenly became real. 一切突然成真了。
That’s all right, Susan. 沒有錯,Susan。
You’ve got the wedding-day jitters! 你已經得了婚禮緊張癥!
In less than two hours, 在不到兩個小時之后,
you will be Mrs. Harry Bennett. 將成為Harry Bennett太太。
Oh, that reminds me. 噢,倒提醒了我。
If we don’t get dressed, 假如我們不去打扮,
we won’t be there 我們將無法
to see Susan become Mrs. Harry Bennett. 目睹Susan成為Harry Bennett太太。
Before you leave--do I look all right? 在你們離開之前---告訴我我這樣子可以嗎?
You never looked better. 再漂亮不過了。
Mom. 媽媽。
She’s right. 她說得沒錯。
And that’s dear little Max. 那是親愛的小Max。
Got to go and feed him. 我得走了該去喂他了。
What am I supposed to do? 我該做什么?
Take off the veil, 拿掉面紗,
kick off your shoes, and sit down. 脫掉你的鞋子,坐下來。
We’ll come upstairs and get you in a little while. 我們待會兒就上樓來帶你下去。
Richard’s going to take some wedding pictures Richard準備拍一些結婚照片
before the ceremony. 在婚禮前。
So just relax. 所以放輕松點。
Are you kidding? Relax? 在開玩笑嗎?放輕松?
Susan Stewart ... Susan Stewart…
you are about to become Susan Bennett-- 即將成為Susan Bennett----
Mrs. Harry Bennett. Harry Bennett太太。
Mrs. Harry Bennett, huh?
Soon our wedding will begin.
Am I ready?
Let’s see.
I have something old.
The pearls my Grandmother gave me.
Err--something new.
My beautiful veil.
Something borrowed.
That’s this dress from Marilyn.
Oh, it must be lucky.
Marilyn wore this dress when she married Richard.
And they seem very happy!
Where was I!
Oh, and something blue.
The antique wristband from mother.
Oh how sweet!
She saved it for me all these years.
I’m ready, but I’m nervous.
Are all brides this nervous?
I’ve waited for this wonderful day all my life.
The day I marry the man I love.
I love Harry.
He’s thoughtful and kind.
"What pretty flowers, thank you!"
And a good father to Michelle.
"I love you, Daddy."
Oh I hope I’ll be a good mother to Michelle.
It was tough for her after her mother died.
But now she’s like a daughter to me.
I’m very lucky.
Today I’ll become a wife
and a mother all at the same time,
the moment I say, "I do."
"Susan, will you marry me?"
"You bet I will.
I love you, Harry."