1.你對這個不好奇嗎? Aren’t you curious about this?
2.我對這件事的起因很好奇 I’m curious about the reason of the event.
3.我很想知道那個秘密 I’d love to know about that secret.
4.我對他是誰很感興趣 I’m really interesed to discover who she is.
5.我對你正在做的事沒興趣 I have no interest in what you are doing.
6.我覺得它相當乏味 I found it rather dull.
7.我不關心別人的事 I don’t care about others’ business.
8.對我來說無所謂 It doesn’t matter to me.
9.我不在乎 I don’t care.
10.隨便 Either way.