More than 70 percent of office workers encounter "emotional office abuse", three-quarters of which are from the post-80s people, a survey conducted by zhaopin.com says.
在上面的報道中,emotional office abuse指的就是“職場冷暴力”,更確切的說法是emotional abuse in the workplace。“冷暴力”有時也用cold violence來表示。Abuse在這里是“虐待”的意思,看一下例子:Those captives were physically abused.(那些俘虜遭受了肉體上的摧殘。)abuse還可以表示“濫用”或“辱罵”。例如:He abused his power while in office.(他在職時濫用權力。)You are always abusing and offending people.(你總是出言不遜得罪人。)
職場冷暴力常見的表現形式有:excluding or isolating someone from certain benefits or opportunities(將某人孤立于某些特定利益或機遇范疇之外),undermining or deliberately impeding the employee from working(搞破壞或故意阻止員工工作),removing areas of responsibilities without just cause(無故轉移工作職責),constantly changing work guidelines(不斷變換工作要求),establishing impossible deadlines(規定的工作完成期限極不合理),assigning unreasonable duties(布置不合理的任務),not providing enough work to create a sense of uselessness(不給派活,讓員工有被棄用的感覺)等等。