First on-screen kiss 銀幕初吻
我們平時說的“初吻”就是 first kiss,例如:I’ll never forget my first kiss. 我永遠也不會忘記我的初吻。但是“銀幕初吻”英語怎么說呢?我們來看看把哈利?波特的初吻炒得沸沸揚揚的新聞報道吧:
Schoolboy wizard Harry Potter battles for recognition as a grown man in the latest movie of the blockbuster series, in which he finds himself torn between good and evil -- and experiences his first on-screen kiss.
這里的 first on-screen kiss 指的就是“銀幕初吻”。
丹尼爾是這樣評價他的銀幕初吻的:The 17-year-old star said he enjoyed the kissing scenes with co-star Leung. "It would have been more nerve-racking if I was doing it with someone I didn’t like," he said.
這里的 kissing scenes 就是指“吻戲”了。
雖然丹尼爾說得很輕松,但實際上 it took him thirty takes to get his first screen kiss right in the new Harry Potter movie. (這場初吻的戲丹尼爾拍了三十次才合格。)First screen kiss 也是表示“銀幕初吻”的。
鐵三角的另一個“羅恩”魯伯特?格林特也在電影《駕駛課》里獻出了自己的銀幕初吻,對此有粉絲說:I’m really excited to see Ron’s first kiss on screen.
First kiss on screen 也是“銀幕初吻”。其實這幾種表達就是把 first,kiss,和 on screen 組合一下而已,很簡單哦!