65.To Listen 傾聽 ;
5.You hear me? 6.You listen good. 7.Listen carefully. ;5.你聽到我的話嗎? 6.你好好聽著. 7.注意聽.
8.A:Do you copy? B:Yeah,I copy. ;8.A:你聽清楚了嗎? B:有,我清楚了.
9.A:Can you hear me? B:I read you loud and clear. ;9.A:聽得到我的說嗎? B:(你的聲音)清晰又 響亮.
10.A:Have I made myself clear? B:Clear as a bell. ;10.A:我說得夠明白了嗎? B:像鈴聲那么清晰 明白.
11.Did you hear a goddamn word I said? ;11.你他媽的聽進我半句 話了沒有?
12.You didn’t hear a thing I said. ;12.我說的話你一句也 沒聽進去.
66.Dazed 心思不定 ;
1.His mind wanders. 2.His head’s in the clouds. ;1.他的心神不定. 2.他的心在云端飄搖.
3.Sorry,my mind is elsewhere. ;3.抱歉,我正在想其他的 事.
4.He’s in another world. ;4.他心不在焉. 他的心在另一個世界.
5.I’m delirious. Is this a dream? ;5.我迷糊了,這是夢嗎?
6.I was so out of it. What time is it now? ;6.我剛才精神恍恍惚惚, 現在幾點了?
7.He’s running around like a chicken with its head cut off. ;7.他像只無頭蒼蠅亂闖.
8.She’s a real dizzy broad. 9.I need to find myself. ;8.她是昏頭昏腦的笨女人 9.我必須尋找失落的自我
10.He’s not with it. ;10.他無法領悟話中的 意思.
11.He has no clue. ;11.他懵懵懂懂,不曉得 自己在做什么.
12.The driver has many things on his mind. 13.He got lost in the shuffle. ;12.這個司機駕車心不 在焉. 13.他迷失在困惑里.
14.Wake up and smell the coffee. 15.He doesn’t know what’s going on. ;14.清醒過來,認清現狀. 15.他對現況茫無所知.
16.He’s totally lost. 17.Hey,snap out of it! ;16.他已全然迷失. 17.嘿,清醒點兒!
18.Pal,you’re in for a rude awakening. ;18.老兄,你美夢快破碎了
67.Cause & Effect 因果 ;
1.The slushy roads contributed to the accident. ;1.泥濘的道路是導致車禍 發生的主因.
2.What was the outcome? 3.Results are what count. ;2.結局如何? 3.結局如何才重要.
4.That’s a story without an ending. 5.The result remains to be seen. ;4.那是個沒有結局的故事 5.結果如何尚待觀察.
6.All’s well that ends well. ;6.只要結局好, 管他過程如何.
7.Here it is. The moment of truth. ;7.來了. 這是真相揭曉的時刻.
8.You prefer him over me.So that’s what it all boils down to. ;8.你寧可舍我而取他. 原來這才是真相.
9.It’s sink or swim. 10.The first year of marriage is always sink or swim. ;9.這是個不成即敗的問題 10.結婚第一年不是如魚 得水,就是反目成仇.
11.I hate to say I told you so. 12.See now? ;11.我不愿說我早已警告 過你. 12.你瞧,我說的話沒錯吧
13.How do you think I ended up here? 14.The whole thing turned sour. ;13.你以為我是如何變成 這么潦倒的? 14.整個局面都惡化了.
15.You acted like a horse’s ass.Now you will pay for it. ;15.你的行為愚昧,現在 去承受后果吧.
16.This picture didn’t come out right. ;16.這張相片沖洗的效果 不好.
17.Your future is rooted in your past ;17.你未來的成敗福禍, 導源于往日的作為.
18.Serves him right. 19.Do unto others,as you would have them do unto you. ;18.他活該. 19.要人如何待你,就該 如何待人.
20.Whatever goes around comes around 21.He’ll get his. ;20.因果循環,報應不爽. 21.他遲早會遭報應.
22.It’s pay now or pay later. ;22.這筆債遲早都得還.
23.There’s a law of consequences in everyone’s life. ;23.每個人的生命中都有 因果律.
24.You reap what you sow. ;24.種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆. 你怎么種就怎么收.
25.The sins of our carefree,younger days usually come home to roost later in life. ;25.少年種罪過, 老來食惡果.
26.Past mistakes will come back to haunt you. ;26.過去所犯的錯誤,會像 鬼一樣反過頭來纏你.
27.You made your own bed. (Now lie in it.) ;27.你造的孽, 自己去承受吧.
68.Analysis 分析 ;
1.That statement is clearly self-contradictory. ;1.那句話很明顯自相矛盾
2.You can tell a lot by a person’s voice. ;2.一個人的談吐可以泄露 許多內情.
3.His behavior betrayed his intentions. ;3.他的舉止泄了他的底.
4.Who’s the likely suspect. 5.The face is the index of the mind. ;4.誰是最大的嫌犯呢?] 5.相由心生.(觀面知心.)
6.The face tells the story. 7.The eyes are the mirror of the soul. ;6.面孔會泄露實情. 7.眼乃靈魂之窗.
8.That’s not unlikely. 9.Mark’s analysis is a real eye-opener. ;8.那并非不可能. 9.馬克的分析使人洞悉 癥結所在.
10.He must have some logical reason. ;10.他這樣做一定有他 的道理.
11.A tree’s health depends on its roots The same is true of your teeth. ;11.樹之健康有賴于其根. 這道理適用于你的 牙齒.
12.He’s a formidable opponent. 13.History repeats itself. ;12.他是惹不起的勁敵. 13.歷史會重演.
14.Don’t make the same mistake twice. 15.The tree is known by its fruit. ;14.不要重蹈覆轍. 15.憑所結出的果子,可以 斷定一棵樹的好壞.
16.The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. ;16.子女與父母之秉性 相去不遠.
17.Like father, like son. ;17.有其父必有其子.
18.Inflation is justification for raising our prices. ;18.因為通貨膨脹,提高 售價并無何不妥.
69.To Considered 給予考慮 ;
1.The thought has crossed my mind. 2.I’ve got that covered. ;1.我曾有過那種念頭. 2.那個我已考慮在內.
3.I have it under control. ;3.我已全面控制了.
4.I’m already planning it in my mind. 5.It never hit me. ;4.我早有盤算. 5.我從來沒想過這種事.
70.To guess 猜測 ;
1.A:Guess what this is B:I give up. What is it? ;1.A:你猜這是什么? B:我猜不來, 到底是什么呢?
2.Take a guess. 3.It’s just a hunch. ;2.你猜吧. 3.這只是一種直覺.
4.This is purely hypothetical. 5.It’s just guesswork. ;4.這純粹是個推論. 5.這只是猜測.
6.Guess who? 7.No kidding? 8.What a surprise! ;6.你猜我是誰? 7.是嗎? 8.太令人驚訝!
9.How about that! 10.Fancy that! ;9.沒想到竟是如此了得! 10.意想不到!
71.Intention 存心 ;
1.Just what do you want? 2.What are you getting at? ;1.你到底要怎樣? 2.你在暗示什么?
3.What are you implying? ;3.你在影射什么? 你是否在指桑罵槐.
4.What in the world are you talking about 5.Hey,what’s the big idea? ;4.你到底要說什么呢? 5.嘿,你這是什么嫂主意?
6.What are you trying to prove? 7.Stop that!I know what you’re up to. ;6.你想證實什么呢? 7.少來!我知道你在玩 什么把戲.
8.You’ll find out all in due time. 9.I’ll tell you soon enough. ;8.不久你會明白. 9.我很快會告訴你.
10.All he cares about is the dough. 11.He wants the same thing we do. ;10.他所在乎的就是錢. 11.他的目的,與我們 不謀而合.
12.I’m not out to con you. ;12.我沒存心要坑你.
13.I didn’t mean any harm.I just wanted to help. ;13.我只想幫忙, 并沒惡意.
14.Does he mean well? 15.It’s no coincidence It was prearranged. ;14.他的用意良善嗎? 15.這絕非偶然, 乃是預謀.
16.You planned that! 17.You’re doing that on purpose. ;16.那是你預先安排的! 17.你故意要這么做.
18.That was no accident.He did it deliberately. ;18.那并非意外, 而是他故意做的.