Situation 12:
At Pizza Hut(Kevin and Barry arrive at Pizza Hut
and get ready to order.)
Hello,welcome to Pizza Hut.
May I take your order?
Barry, let’s get a medium pizza and each order one
half, okay?
That sounds good I want my half with sausage, onions, mush-
rooms, and anchovies.
Anchovies?!Anchovies stink.How can you eat those
things?(The woman working at Pizza Hut becomes
angry because they are making her wait too long. )
Excuse me, but are you going to order
the second half of your pizza?
Yeah, quit talking about how bad my pizza is and order
your own half.
I will.I would like ham and pineapple.
What?!Ham and pineapple are way worse than
anchovies.What are you,Hawaiian?
No,I’m from California just like you.But Hawaiian pizza is
the best.
Would you like anything to drink with that?
I’ll have a coke
I’d like a water.(The woman gets them
their drinks.)
Here you are.That will be nine dollars and fifty-nine
cents.(Barry gives the woman ten dollars.)
Here you are.
Here is your change, forty - one cents. Your number is
thirteen.Please find a table and I will call your
number when your pizza is ready.
Let’s sit by the window.