1. set/put someone’s teeth on edge 使某人覺得緊張不安或不舒服
The on-the-spot punishment of the criminal put Harry’s teeth on edge.
2. be armed to the teeth全副武裝,裝備齊全
Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the World War II, but in a few years, he was completely defeated.
3. draw/ pull someone’s teeth off 使某人喪失能力,使某人變得無害
The explosion of the fort has pulled our enemies’ teeth off.
4. take the bear by the tooth 虎口拔牙,鋌而走險
We can pursue the strategy of market diversity rather than taking the bear by the tooth into the real estate industry.
5. give teeth to 授予(個人或組織)特殊權力和制裁權
This month Singapore passed a bill that would give legal teeth to the moral obligation to support one’s parents.
6. grind one’s teeth(因憤怒)咬牙切齒
The unfairness in our society always makes the cynics grind their teeth.
7. show one’s teeth 做出威脅的樣子,現出敵意,發怒
A man who harbors enmity in the bottom of his heart never shows their teeth.
8. fight tooth and nail 拼命廝打,全力以赴地,不惜任何代價地
There is another election coming on next fall, and he knows we are going to fight tooth and nail.