61.Job 工作(上)
1.Anything that particularly appeals to you?
2.Are you familiar with that sort of work?
3.Are you still at that work?
4.How long did you work there?
5.Have you done anything like that before?
6.I wonder if you’d mind starting next month.
7.I’m quite satisfied with your qualifications.
8.The pay is good.
9.We do have the vacancy.
10.You’re just the sort of person we need.
Dialogue One
A:Please take a seat.
A:Now what can I do for you?
B:Well,I’m looking for a job.
A:Fine, but first I need some information about you.
B:What kind of information do you want?
A:Well,first of all, your name.What’s your surname?
A:And your other names?
B:Steven Michael.
A:Have you got your e-mail address?
B:Yes,It’s Henrylee@yahoo.com.
A:How old are you?
A:Where were you bron?
B:In California.
A:Are you married or single?
B:I’m single.
A:And what was your last job?
B:I was an office boy.
Dialogue TWo
A:Good morning.
B:Er,good morning,yes,er.....
A:I’m phoning about the job that was in the paper last night.
B:Oh,yes.Erm,well,could you tell me your name, please?
A:Oh,Candida Fawcett.
B:Oh, yes.Erm,well,what exactly is it that interests you about the job?
A:Well,I just thought that it was right up my street you know.
B:Really, hmmmm.Erm,well, could you perhaps tell me a little about yourself?
A:Yes,erm,I’m 23.I’ve been working abroad,I’m um....
B:Where exactly have you been working,please?
Dialogue Three
A:Good.Now what kind of job do you want?Mr.Wilson?
B:I don’t mind really.Perhaps a job in a shop or a factory.
A:Well,I know Brown’s Biscuit Factory are looking for a porter.They pay $200 a week.
B:That sounds all right.
A:Good.Now here’s the address of the factory.The manager’s name is.....
Wendy Vale wanted to have a job.She didn’t have to work, but she wanted to.Every morning was the same.First she picked up the tea kettle,filled it with water,and turned on the stove.Then she walked into the hall and picked up the morning paper.
She opened the paper to the "Help Wanted"section.She looked at the ads as she sliced some bread and boiled an egg.
Wendy carried her breakfast on a tray to the table.She circled the Glamor ad with a pen. There were no other good ads.
Right after breakfast, she replied to the ad. She dressed quickly,hurried to the post office,and mailed her reply.
A week later,Wendy received an answer to her letter.