Harvard captures the imagination like few other institutions. World leaders from President Barack Obama to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon are Harvard graduates. Business titans like Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, A.G. Lafley of Procter & Gamble and Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs are too. I’ve found the academic training I received at graduate school there invaluable--but I learned even more outside the classroom than in it. Here are three key lessons that helped my career that Harvard didn’t teach me in the classroom.
和少數幾所其他機構一樣,哈佛大學非常能夠激發人們的想象力。世界上有很多領導人,比如說巴拉克·奧巴馬總統和聯合國秘書長潘基文都是哈佛大學的畢業生。還有許多商業巨頭,比如說摩根大通的CEO Jamie Dimon,寶潔公司的A.G. Lafley,還有高盛銀行的Lloyd Blankfein也都是師出哈佛門下。筆者本人也是在哈佛大學的研究生院畢業的,也認為那里接受的學術培訓可以說是人生的無價之寶,彌足珍貴。但是,筆者感到課堂下,學到的東西比課堂上更多。下面就是在筆者的職業生涯中非常關鍵的三堂課,而這些是哈佛的教室中所不曾講授過的。
I learned the first lesson from my own students. I was a teaching fellow at the time, educating them on China’s modern history and political system. I probably learned more from them than they from me.
Every day students would come to my office overlooking Harvard Yard, and we’d usually end up talking about more than just China. We’d discuss their hopes and, more often than not, their fears. They were afraid of not keeping up with their peers and not living up to their parents’ expectations.
They felt this way pretty much across the board. Rich kids and legacies thought they’d gotten there because of their families; minority students worried they were there because of their skin color; brains from humble backgrounds worried they weren’t rich enough to be there. As their teacher I could see that they all deserved to be there for different reasons. But they themselves couldn’t easily gauge how their work measured up against others’, and this fed their insecurities.