LONDON: The stress of modern life, especially kids, has made the seven-year-itch come round much sooner than it used to, with several distressedcouples parting ways at the three-year mark, according to a new study. Researchers have dubbed the phenomenonthe 'three year itch'.
The study by parenting website Netmums found that couples are now four and a half times more likely to split after three years than the traditional seven years.
Experts said that trying to jugglecareers and parenting while struggling with changing gender roles is leading to more relationship failures. They also cited a growing trend for 'fast forward' partnerships as couples get together later in life, but spend less time getting to know each other before having children, the Daily Mail reported.
A noteworthy21% of couples who split, saw their relationship fall apart after they had been together between two and four years. Disturbingly 12% split within a year. On the other hand, only 3% of couples broke up after seven years.
Having children apparently put the greatest strain on a relationship. Nearly half (42%) of the 1,500 parents questioned said that having children had driven them apart and only a third said it had brought them closer.
Four in five admitted that their relationship suffered as a result of exhaustioncaused by the birth of a new baby or looking after young children. Many struggle to spend quality time together with 15% 'never' going out as a couple after having children and 14% managing only one night out a year together. Nevertheless, many seem to be having children earlier in relationships.