For many years多年來
I was treated in a very unkind way.我并沒有遭受過惡意的對待
I was not only talked about behind my back沒有人在我的背后誹謗我
but I was spoken to in an unkind manner to my face.當曾經有人當面對我用十分失禮的態度說話
I’m sure我相信
a lot of people can relate to this.許多人有過類似的經歷
There came a time后來
when I had the opportunity to help this person out.我得到一個機會,可以對那個人提供幫助
For some reason,出于某種原因
much to my surprise,連我自己都感到驚訝的是
I chose to be kind and help.我選擇對他友善,并且幫助了他
My action to show love and help not only surprised me,我的行動表現了愛和幫助,這不僅讓我吃驚
but it surprised others as well.也讓周圍的其他人大吃一驚
I’m sharing this我分享這個故事
because I can not tell you是因為我想告訴你
how much my action set me free.我的舉動讓我感到難以言喻的輕松自由
I now had the power 如今我手握重權
to treat this person the same way I had been treated對此人以其道還治其人之身
or I could be kind我也可以選擇善良
and put love into action.用我的行動傳達大愛
The choice was mine.選擇權在我手中
Love your enemies“愛你的敵人”
and bless them that curse you.“祝福那些詛咒你的人”
I never really understood this maxim我從沒有真正理解這句箴言
until I put it into practice.直到我將它訴諸實踐
Being kind and showing love did as much for me行善舉,傳達大愛,這對我的益處
as it did for the other person.與對那人的益處一樣多
This is a good time這正是一個好時機
to not only show love to those who love us不僅對愛我們的人表達愛意
but to be kind to those who have done us wrong.也要對曾對我們有失公允的人表達善意