加快市場步伐:quicken the pace of marketization
假冒偽劣產品:counterfeit and shoddy products ; fake and poor quality commodities
減負:alleviate burdens on sb
江南水鄉:the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River
教書育人:impart knowledge and educate people ; teach
腳踏實地:be down-to-earth
解除勞動關系:sever labor relations
擴大內需:expand domestic demand
拉拉隊:cheering squad
論文答辯:(thesis) oral defence à on one’s thesis defence; defend one’s thesis (v.)
馬到成功:achieve immediate victory ; succeed immediately
三維電影/動畫片:3-dimensional movie/animation
森林覆蓋率:forest coverage
社會保險機構:social security institutions
社會熱點問題:hot spots of society ; hot social issues
社會治安情況: public security situation
申辦城市:the bidding cities
身體素質:physical constitution ; physique
高等教育自學考試:self-study higher education examination ; higher education self-study examinations
高新技術產業開發區:high and new technological industrial development zone ; High-Tech Industry Development Zone
各大菜系:major cuisine ; major styles of cooking
各行各業:every walk of life
功夫不負有心人:Everything comes to him who waits ; hard work pays off
各盡其能:let each person do his best
公益活動:public welfare activities ; pro-bono activities
工薪階層:salaried person ; working class ; wage-earning class
過猶不及:going too far ia as bad as not going far enough ; too much is as badastoo little
函授大學:correspondence university
好萊塢大片:Hollywood blockbuster
核心競爭力:core competitiveness
虎父無犬子:A wise goose never lays a tame leg ;
Like father, like son.(有其父必有其子)
基本國情:fundamental realities of the country
激烈競爭:cut-throat competition ; fierce/intense competition
極限運動:maximal exercise/X-games
集中精力把經濟建設搞上去:go all out for economic development ; focus on the economic developement