"Where the mind is without fear在那兒,心靈無畏
and the head is held high... ,頭顱高昂
into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake",我的父啊, 讓我的國覺醒,走入自由的天堂!
as this famous quote of Rabindranath Tagore ran through her head,《吉檀迦利》的經典名句在她腦中閃現
her mind stopped at the word "Freedom".她的思慮停留在“自由”這個詞上
That one precious word正是這個詞
for which she had so longed for all her life.她終其一生一直渴望
As the raindrops splattered across the window雨點在窗戶上濺起水花
and raced one after the other,好像是在賽跑
she realized that她意識到
it would always remain a dream.或許這只能永遠是個夢
How she so longed for,她是多么渴望
to get up early早早起床
just to see the rising sun,就為了看一看升起的太陽
splash the refreshing water of the stream與小溪中清冽的溪水嬉戲
and dance across the meadows.邊跳舞邊跑過草地
So many surprises that nature has in store for mankind,大自然為人類準備了如此多的驚喜
but are so easily taken for granted卻時常被時若無誤
in this continuous race of life.在這生命的永不停息的洪流之中
Her life was almost the same as all those around her,她的生活與周圍大多數人并無二致
until that one six letter word changed everything.直到那個兩個字組成的詞改變了一切
One side of the world,世界的一邊
where life’s everyday challenges seem like a struggle to some,對有些人來說,生活中的每一天都有數不清的挑戰,他們掙扎求生
while the other side,而在另一邊
where everyday is an extra boon.每一天都是新的禮物
Each moment of life is special生命中的每一刻都是特別的
and must be cherished.應該被珍惜
Everyday is a blessing每天都是一份恩賜
and must be enjoyed.應該被好好享受
Forgetting this simple fact,人們太過于善于遺忘
people tend to get immersed in their routine總是沉浸在每日的流水賬中
and forget the simple pleasures of life.忘了生活中簡單的快樂
As Hellen Keller once said,海倫·凱勒曾經說過
"The Seeing See Little".視力健全的人其實看不什么
There are so many amazing things in store all around us,在我們周圍,蘊藏著那么多令人贊嘆的事物
but we tend to take them for granted.而我們總是將他們視若無睹
If only life would give her one more chance...如果生活能再給她一次機會
how she would enjoy each moment to the fullest她一定會好好享受每一刻,盡情享受它
and do all the things that she dreamt of!去做那些她夢想過的事情
as the rain slowly reduced to a drizzle 大雨慢慢變成了毛毛細雨
and the sun peeked out of the clouds,太陽從烏云背后探出頭來
she realized that她意識到
everyday brings something new每一天都會帶來新的東西
and is always a blessing in disguise.生命一直是帶著偽裝的恩賜
Hope refilled her heart希望重新填滿了她的心
as she vowed to celebrate life each day她發誓每天為生命慶賀
and embrace it as it comes!擁抱生命,如其所是