Since the past thirty years, face recognition has been one of the most popular research themes in pattern identification and image processing. Face recognition, just as the name suggests, is a technology that scan people’s faces to identify their identities. It is widely used and plays an important role in different fields. In daily life, face recognition technology is used in our digital cameras and modes of payment. In the future, it is expected to be applied to ATM and computers to protect our important property information.
改革開放以來,中國經濟飛速發展,對外貿易成績顯著。中國經濟和對外貿易發展的良好局面來之不易,這與我國政府重視知識產權(intellectual property rights)保護是分不開的。經過二十多年的努力,中國知識產權事業全面發展,為鼓勵自主創新,增強自主研發能力,提高國際競爭力提供了堅實的基礎和有力的保障。強化知識產權保護制度已成為世界各國發展科技、經濟和增強國力的必然選擇。從國際大環境來看,圍繞知識產權的競爭日益加劇。
Since the reform and opening-up, China’s economy has been developing rapidly with tremendous achievements in foreign trade. The good situation of China’s economy and foreign trade is hard-won, and is inseparable from the emphasis on intellectual property rights (IPR) protection of Chinese government. Through efforts of over two decades, intellectual property has gained overall development in China, thus laying a solid foundation and providing a strong guarantee for encouraging independent innovation, strengthening independent research and development capacity, and boosting international competitiveness. To strengthen the IPR protection system has become an inevitable choice for all countries that wish to develop technology and economy and enhance national strength. In the global context, the competition centering around IPR is getting ever fiercer.
在中國,農村人口占相當大的比例。他們的收入遠比城鎮居民要低,抗風險能力更差,但是長期以來,他們卻不能像城鎮居民一樣享受基本的醫療保障。為此,我國推行了一項前所未有的計劃:在全國農村基本建立起新型的合作醫療制度(cooperative medicare system),以解決所有農民的醫療保障問題,使他們不必再為看不起病而犯愁。目前已有多個省份實行了這一新制度。
In China, the rural population accounts for a large portion. Their incomes are much lower than those of urban residents, and they are more vulnerable to risks. But they have not been entitled to the basic medical security like urban citizens for a very long period of time. Therefore, an unprecedented project has been launched in China to build a new cooperative medicare system in rural areas, which deals with the medical security issue of all the farmers and frees them from worries of being unable to afford a cure. Several provinces have taken a lead in employing the new system now.
當前,全社會對人口問題(issue of population)的認識不斷深化。人們對于人口問題已經達成了以下共識:人口增長有利于實現人口與經濟、社會、資源、環境的協調發展和可持續發展;解決人口問題還應強調提高人口素質和健康水平,提高人類生活質量,實現人的全面發展;人口問題本質上是發展問題,只有通過經濟、社會、文化的全面發展,才能最終得以解決。
Currently, the whole society is gaining a better understanding of the issue of population. It is agreed that the growth of population is beneficial to a coordinated and sustained development between population and economy, society, resources and environment. To solve the population problem, emphasis should be laid on the improvement of the population quality, health level and quality of life so as to realize the all-round development of all humanity. The issue of population is essentially a problem of development and could only be solved through economic, social and cultural development.
1949年新中國成立以來,中國政府一直十分重視教育,并且頒布了一系列法規,保護不同群體的公民受教育的權利,尤其是保護少數民族、婦女、兒童和殘疾人受教育的權利。幾十年來,通過持續不斷的努力,中國的教育事業取得了長足的進步。九年義務教育(compulsory education)已在全國有計劃分階段地普及。高等教育、職業教育、各種形式的成人教育和少數民族教育迅速發展。中國已經形成了多層次、多元化、多學科的教育體系。
Since the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, Chinese government has always attached great importance to education. It has issued a series of codes to protect the education rights of its citizens of different groups, especially that of ethnic minority groups, women, children and the disabled. Through uninterrupted efforts in the past decades, China has made significant progress in its education sector. The nine-year compulsory education has been implemented nationwide by stages in a planned way. Higher education, vocational education, diversified adult education and education for ethnic minority groups have developed rapidly. A multi-layered, diversified and multi-disciplinary education system has been established in China.