When you are out buying something you are usually looking for a good price, for a deal, for something cheap, right? I know I am. Well, today I have a whole bunch of English vocabulary you can use to talk about things that are cheap or priced right. Let’s start with a look at the names of stores where you can go to find items that are reasonably priced or priced very low.
Names for stores where you can buy cheap items:
dollar store – a store where traditionally everything is sold for $1
dollar store——所有東西只賣一美元的商店
five & dime – a store that sells a large variety of discounted items for a cheap price
five & dime ——賤賣各種打折商品的店
warehouse store – this is usually a very big store where items are often sold in large quantity and they are cheaper because they are sold in bulk
warehouse store——這通常是比較大的店鋪,東西都是大量出售的,因為銷售數量大,因此也很便宜。
outlet – a store where discounted items are sold cheaper because the manufacturer is selling directly to the customer
Words you can use to describe items that are low cost and a good to buy :
a bargain
a steal
a deal
Examples: I got a great deal on my new TV. I bought it dirt-cheap at a going out of business sale. It was such a bargain, because the same model sold at another store would have been at least $500 more! It was a real steal I tell you.