Spoken American English Volume 5 ;標準美國語 5
Chapter 1 Lack of Money ;第一章 缺錢
I’m short this week. ;我這星期手頭很緊。
I’m broke this week. I’m short ten bucks. ;我這星期沒錢用。 我還少了十塊錢。
I’m all out of money. ;我的錢都用完了。
Many businessmen are strapped for cash. ;許多商人萬分火 急需要現款。
Now we are penniless. ;現在我們一文不名了。
I’m flat broke, literally. ;我真的囊空如洗。
I’m all tapped out. ;我能動用到的錢都 已用了,
Lack of money has plagued us all our lives. ;我們一生中都經常為 無錢可用而苦惱。
Indians is a poverty- stricken country. I need money to keep warm. ;印度是個赤貧的國家。 我需要錢好活下去。
This man is living in the sewer. I’m just a pauper. ;這個男人過著慘淡的 日子。我只是個靠領 救濟金的貧民。
Chapter Two Paying Bills ;第二章 付賬
It isn’t easy raising a family these days. ;這年頭養活一個家 庭可真不容易。
The rent has taken a major bite out of my paycheck. ;房租耗掉了我大部 分的收入。
You borrow from Peter to pay Paul. ;你挖肉補瘡 (終就不是辦法)。
She scraped up just enough money to pay the rent. ;她東拼西湊,勉強付 了房租。
Oh dear,I’m behind in my rent. ;啊,糟了,我逾期沒 交房租。
Can you make ends meet? ;你得收支能相抵嗎?
Small leaks can sink a ship. ;許多小漏洞也會沉掉 一艘大船。
This is the easiest way to get rid of debt. ;這是避免債臺高筑 的最簡單遍方法。
I have to break into my nest eggs. ;我必須動用救急基金。
Those car repairs set me back 300 dollars. ;汽車修理,使我的 積蓄少了300元。
It might break the bank if we buy this new car. ;買這部新車,會使我 們的積蓄一掃而空,
We’ve hit bottom. ;我們的口袋見底了。
My wife ran up big bills on my credit card again. ;內人又在我的信用卡 里掛了一大堆帳。
Where is the money to come from? ;錢從哪里來?
If I get laid off, things could get tight in a hurry. ;如果我失業,家計可 能立刻無法維持。
I’m in debt over my head because of her. ;為了她我債臺高筑。
I simply can’t afford it. ;我實在買不起。
My wife has no concept of money. ;內人沒有理財的概念。
He has to learn to live within his income. ;他必須學會量入 為出地生活。
He’s struggling to stay afloat in a sea of debt. ;他掙扎著不被債務淹沒。
I may as well pay it off now. He’s all paid up. ;我干脆現在就付 清這筆帳。 他的帳都付清了。
He paid me down to the last penny. ;他付清了欠我的 每一分錢。
A:I think I still owe you. B:No.We’re even. ;A:我想我還虧欠你。 B:沒這回事,我們早 就扯平了。
Just kiss the money good-bye. Reputation doesn’t pay your debts. ;跟你的錢吻別吧。 好名聲并不能當飯吃。
Love can’t pay the rent. He’s the breadwinner of the house. ;愛情不能當飯吃。 他是賺錢養活一家的人。
Husbands are supposed to bring home the bacon. ;做丈夫的理應賺錢養家。
Don’t overwork your husband ;不要教你先生過分操勞,
or you will be killing the goose that lays the golden egg. ;否則你是在殺雞取卵。
Chapter Three Borrowing & Lending ;第三章 借貸
A:Can I borrow one thousand dollars from you? ;A:我可以向你借一千 美元嗎?
B:I’d say that’s a long shot. ;B:我看不太可能。
I hate to borrow,but I don’t have any choice. ;我不愿跟你開口借錢, 但別無選擇。
I need to borrow 50 bucks.I’ll pay you back on payday. ;我想向你借五十塊, 等發餉的日子再還你。
I always pay my debts. ;我總有借有還。
You’re asking for a princely sum. I borrowed on everything. ;你在獅子大開口。 可以典當的東西, 我都已當了。
I took out a second mortgage on the house. ;我把房子拿去當第二 期貸款的抵押品。
Money is out of the question. ;錢的事情免談。
Money is too tight. I can’t grant you the loan. ;現在銀根太緊, 沒辦法借錢給你。
He’s always pestering me for money. ;他一天到晚纏著我要錢。
Why would I loan any money to a loafer? ;我何必借錢給 一個混混呢?
You’re on your own. ;現在全靠你自己了。
You can’t squeeze blood from a stone. ;你無法從鐵公 雞身上拔毛。
Ask me to cut off my arm before you ask me for loan. ;你要跟我借錢的話, 就先砍了我的手臂吧。
You’re my biggest debtor. It’s time to cash in all your chips. ;你是我最大的債務人。 這時你嘗債的日子.
What’s mine is mine. Give it back. These creditors have my back to the wall. ;我的就是我的,你還我。 這些債主已逼得我無路 可走。
You know I’m good for it. ;這一點兒錢, 我不會拆爛泥。
I lend you this money in good faith. ;我信得過你, 才借給你這筆錢。
A:Do you think he’s going to pay back the loan? ;A:你想他會還我的錢嗎?
B:It’s a tough call. ;B:這很難說。
He’s always a day late and a dollar short. ;他老是不按時付款, 而且所付的金額短少。
You keep the money. You need it more than I do. ;你把錢留著吧, 你比我更需要它。
Neither a borrower nor a lender be. ;不向人借錢, 也不借錢給別人。
Lend your money and lose your friends. ;把你的錢借給朋友 會失掉你們的友誼。
Lending can turn friends into enemies. ;借錢給人會化友為敵。
Chapter Four Taxes ;第四章 稅金
I dread filing income tax returns. ;我討厭申報所得稅表格。
Read my lips.No new taxes. ;你仔細聽著, 我決不會課征新稅。
At the IRS,our motto is "Never trust anyone." ;在美國財務局里的格 言是:絕對不相信任 何人。
Chapter Five Donations ;第五章 捐款
Got any spare change? ;可以賞點兒零錢給我嗎?
Won’t you help?It’s for a good cause. ;這是做善事, 你不想幫忙嗎?
He pledged $100 to the orphanage. ;他認捐了一百美元 給孤兒院。
Chapter Six Being Frugal ;第六章 節儉
A penny saved is a penny earned. Skimp and save. ;省一分錢,就是賺 一分錢。 節儉才能存錢。
Take care of every penny and every penny will take care of you. ;你節約每一分錢, 自然不至缺錢用。
She’s stretched our dollars amazingly. ;她不可思議的善用 了我們的錢。
During hard economic times ,you must tighten your belt. ;經濟艱困時, 你非勒緊褲帶不可。
Stretch your dollars. ;你要一分錢當兩分用。
We have a tight budget .Every penny counts. ;我們的預算很緊, 每一分錢都不可亂花。
Have you saved anything for a rainy days? ;你可曾未雨綢繆, 先貯備些錢應急?
She squirrels away any extra money for a rainy day. ;她把任何額外的錢儲 存起來,以備不時之需。
He’s penny-wise and pound-foolish。 ;他小處聰明,大處糊涂。
It’s not cost-effective. ;錢沒花在刀口上。
Let’s streamline our operation to cut costs. ;我們來精簡作業, 以減少花費。
Chapter Seven Being Miserly ;第七章 吝嗇
He’s cheap. He’s tight. ;他很吝嗇。 他一文錢打二十四個結。
He’s miserly cheap. He’s so stingy. ;他小氣到家。 他小氣得可以了。
You can’t squeeze blood out of a stone. ;你無法從鐵公雞身 上拔毛。
He’s a hoarder. Scrooge! That cheapskate! ;他是個守財奴。 守財奴! 那個小氣鬼!
She’s the quintessential cheapskate. ;她好像是個不折 不扣的小氣鬼。
Chapter Eight Unwilling to Pay ;第八章 不愿付錢
This will cost me an arm and a leg. ;這筆開銷活像要砍掉 我一手一腳。
I’m a little concerned about who’s picking up the tap. ;我在關心到底誰會付帳。
He had to cough up the dough to send his kids to college. ;他不太情愿花錢給子 女念大學。
Chapter nine Being Selfish ;第九章 自私
Remember,every man for himself. ;切記,每個人 都是自私的。
Everybody is selfish. You’re selfish and egocentric. ;每個人都自私。 你自私,以自我為中心。
Look out for number one. You’re not the center of the world. ;要多替你自己設想。 你不是世界的核心。
What’s in it for me? This is no way to treat others. ;做這件事對我有 什么好處呢? 這不是待人之道。
Chapter Ten Being Greed ;第十章 貪婪
Give him an inch. He’ll take a yard. Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. ;他得寸進尺。 你的心眼比肚子大。
Greed has no limits. People always want more. ;貪婪無止境,人總是 有了還要更多,
Everyone wants a piece of the pie. ;每個人都想分一杯羹。
They just keep coming back for more. ;他們貪求不厭。
You bit off more than you could chew. ;你承擔了超過你所 能勝任的工作。