1、What percentage of the world’s water is contained in a cow?Come on answer... We’re waiting... This is just one of the oddballquestions asked to Oxbridge candidates。
2、Want to study philosophy, politics andeconomics? Well then you’d better put a monetary value on this teapot.We reckon £32.95. Including VAT. Do we pass?
3、Tony Blair, 20th and 21st century PrimeMinister. But who is his 19th century equivalent?These questions wereasked of around 1,200 students who attempted the notoriously gruellingOxbridge interview process last year。
4、Here’s a piece of bark, now talk about it.You’d have to if you wanted to study Biological Sciences at Oxford. Anddon’t think you could get away with saying "it’s sort of brown andwoody"。
5、How does a perm work? Some might say it makes the wearerfeel like a trendy young thing. As for the chemistry behind whoppinghair, well, you’d better know the answer if you want to get into two ofthe world’s top universities。
6、At what point is a person dead? Could thisbe another philosophy question? Nope. It’s actually a poser for medicalstudents, who we hope all know the correct answer。
7、Are you cool?
8、How might you argue what everyone says isa banana is not a banana and how many atoms do they have? In fact, justtell us about bananas。