例句-1:Wait until your mother sees that mud on the floor, young man! She spent all day cleaning the house from top to bottom for our party tonight. Better clean it up and be quick about it!
這里的top to bottom意思是完全徹底地。
我們接著要學的習慣用語是: rock bottom。Rock是巖石。如果往地下鉆探,穿過表土層,到最底下才是堅硬的巖層,就是rock bottom。換句話說是最底層的。
Rock bottom常用來說價格跌落到最低限度。例如我們會這樣說股票市場:The stock market hits the rock bottom,股市已跌到最低限度。言下之意是股票價格下跌到不能再低的程度,可能要反彈了。我們再聽個例子,說話的人在對朋友介紹省錢的門道。
例句 -2:Bill, if you need furniture, I can tell you where to get it cheap. That store on Main Street is going out of business and they’re selling everything they have at rock-bottom prices.
我們再學一個習慣用語: bottom dollar。大家早知道dollar是美元,如果你口袋里只剩最底下的那一美元了,你手頭一定相當拮據。我們要聽的例子里說到的那個人就曾經處于這種經濟窘迫的景況。
例句-3:Thank God I finally found a job - I’ve been out of work for more than a year and I was almost down to my bottom dollar. I can tell you, I never want to be like that again!
所以down to one’s bottom dollar意思是幾乎到了手無分文的地步,也就是景況窘迫。
最后再學個習慣用語: bottom line。 Bottom line這個短語出自商界。會計在做公司財務報告的時候得把各項收入和各項支出分別相加,然后在報告的最后一行也就是bottom line從收入總數里減去支出總數,得出凈利或者是虧損金額,所以bottom line是全報告里最重要的結論性數據。
Bottom line這個說法逐漸從商界被轉用到日常生活中,尤其常用在政界或者政體中。讓我們通過一個例子來體會這個習慣用語的轉用意義。這是兩個記者在國會旁聽兩黨就一項提案展開的辯論。
例句-4:Joe, they’ve been debating the farm bill for two weeks now. When they finish all the arguing, what do you think will be the bottom line: will the Republicans or the Democrats win?
議員們經過曠日持久的論戰之后要投票表決議案,得出決議,所以這里的bottom line就是最終結果或者決定。