Being polite is important in all languages especially if you are asking someone to help you. We all know that if we want things to be done whether in our personal or professional lives, it pays to be polite. You won’t get far by being rude or impolite. Different cultures have different ways of tackling politeness.
In English Language cultures, the need to be polite and to use the correct expressions is essential. Not only will people appreciate it, they will see you as a competent English Language speaker.
There are a few polite expressions that are frequently used in the English Language and it is important for learners to know how to use them correctly and in the right context. I’d like to share with you 5 of the most widely used polite expressions and show you how to use them correctly.
1. Excuse Me
You would use “excuse me” if you need to go past somebody, for example, if they’re blocking your way.
Similarly, if you need to get someone’s attention you would start the phrase with “excuse me”:
Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Charing Cross station?
Excuse me, do you have the time?
Excuse me, is this seat taken?
2. Sorry
We love saying “sorry” especially in the UK!
Sorry or I’m sorry is frequently used when we need to apologise for something small, for example, if you’re late or you’ve made a small mistake:
Sorry I’m late. The traffic was terrible.
I’m sorry, I didn’t realise that you were in the queue.
“I beg your pardon” is a formal expression which you might hear someone use.
I beg your pardon, I didn’t see you standing there.
You would use Pardon? or Sorry? if you haven’t heard or understood what someone has said and you want them to repeat it.
Pardon? I didn’t quite hear that. Could you repeat the number please?
Sorry? Did you say 30 or 13?
Sorry is more used than pardon. A student once told me that their teacher had told him ‘pardon’ was an old-fashioned word and not used. Whilst it may not be as common as ‘sorry’, ‘pardon’ is still used and you wouldn’t come across as a strange person!
One expression that is most definitely not polite is “What?”. If you use it when you haven’t heard or understood something, you may get some disapproving looks from the other person.