1. 想到面試我心慌極了。I’m really in a flap about the interview。
2. 我感覺如坐針氈。I’m on tenterhooks。
★ tenterhook n. [紡]拉幅鉤 ● on tenterhooks“焦慮不安”
3. 我愁得睡不著覺。Worrying kept me awake。
4. 我心亂如麻。I’m a bundle of nerves。
a bundle of nerves“神經極度緊張的人”
5. 我很擔心我的健康。I’m worried sick about my health。
6. 我覺得他的病情很令人擔憂。I find his illness very worrying。
7. 你有什么心事?What’s on your mind?
= What’s eating you?
= What are you worried about?
8. 你的所作所為讓我很擔心。I’m anxious about what you did. = What you did makes me anxious。
9. 我深感憂慮。I’m seriously troubled. = I’m really concerned。
10. 你為什么今天看起來這么疲憊?Why do you look so exhausted today?
11. 我真不知道該怎么辦。I really don’t know what to do。
12. 我真的慌極了。I’m really in a flap。
★ flap [flAp] n. 騷動,不安
13. 我再也受不了了。I can’t take it anymore。
= I can’t bear it anymore。
= I can’t deal with this anymore. I’m mad at the world. 我快要發瘋了。
14. 我真不知道該如何是好。I really don’t know what I shall do。