職場社交英語 Lesson 38:他看不到大局
SCENE④ B 在吉娜的隔間
Dave: That’s what made Elvin so mad. I think he wants to 1) strangle you.
戴夫: 艾文就是因為這檔事而氣急敗壞。我想他要把你勒死。
Zina: Oh, Elvin doesn’t know anything. He can’t see the big picture.
吉娜: 喔,艾文啥都不懂。他看不到大局。
Dave: Well, he doesn’t know that you 2) recruited extra programmers. How did you 3) manage that?
戴夫: 呃,他不知道你又新招募了程序設計師。你是怎么辦到的?
Zina: I just sat down with the 4) venture capitalist boys from Vikam and asked for more money.
吉娜: 我只是跟我們的投資方 “維康”的那些人坐下來,跟他們多要了些錢。
Dave: Can you do that? Isn’t this Vince’s company?
戴夫: 你這樣行嗎?這不是文斯的公司嗎?
Zina: 5) For now it is.
吉娜: 暫時是。
Dave: Uh-oh. Here comes Elvin.
戴夫: 不妙。艾文來了。
A: Arnold began managing his own company at the age of 23.
B: He must be a genius.
【He can’t see the big picture. 他看不到大局。】
big picture是“全局,大局”的意思,can’t see the big picture是指僅能著眼于眼前發生的事,無法看出事物的整體性,沒有綜觀全局,長期規劃的能力。
A: We’ll only be able to pay everyone’s salaries after our business establishes itself.
B: But Johnnie can’t see the big picture. He’s unwilling to wait. He wants to get paid now.
你也可以勸告、建議他人look at the big picture“從大處著眼,衡量全局”。
A: I want all our employees to get equal pay.
B: You’ve got to look at the big picture. It’s just not possible right now.
1) trangle (v.) 勒死,使窒息
2) recruit (v.) 雇用,招募
3) manage (v.) 管理,控制
4) venture capitalist 提供創業投資的投資方
5) for now 目前,暫時