Anyone who regularly uses chatrooms or instant messaging willalmost undoubtedly be familiar with responses consisting only ofthis little sequence of three letters--meh. For the uninitiated, meh is a new interjection pepperingnews items, messageboards, chatrooms and blogs across the English-speaking Internet, and it’s aninformal linguistic equivalent of a simple shrug of the shoulders.
No one is completely certain how the use of meh originated, but most sources quote a 2001episode of The Simpsons as one of the earliest examples. Impossible to accurately define, meh iscropping up increasingly to mean something like a non-commital OK, whatever, if you want, I don’tmind … Circumstances surrounding its utterance (and, if spoken, tone of voice) give it a morespecific meaning, but in general terms, meh usually implies some kind of indifference to what hasjust been said.
For example:
’Want to go for a walk?’ – ’Dunno … Meh.’
’Do you like my new shirt?’ – ’Meh.’