12. Argentine
12. 阿根廷口音
A historical refuge for Spaniards, Italians and Germans, the hyper-libidinous South American melting pot of Argentina has cultivated a proud, pouty tone. With its own pronunciation of Spanish letters (“ll” sounds like “shh”) and its own words (“you” is “vos”), this is a dialect that’s hard to get. (Or at least plays that way。)
Sounds like: A tightly tuned guitar of G-strings strummed by a lamb shank。
11. Thai
11. 泰語
With five tones comprising their native speech, the traffickers of this often fragile accent turn any language into a song of seduction. Thai is largely monosyllabic, so multi-beat foreign words get extra emphases right up until the last letter, which is often left off, leaving the listener wanting more. (Or at least asking “Huh?” lustfully。)
10. Trinidadian
10. 特立尼達口音
For fetishists of oddball sexuality, the Caribbean island of Trinidad offers an undulating, melodic gumbo of pan-African, French, Spanish, Creole and Hindi dialects that, when adapted for English, is sex on a pogo stick。
Sounds like: A rubber life raft bobbing on a sea of steel drums。