Buffett’s endorsements may make for fun Internet fodder, but analysts point out that the emerging crop of Chinese luxury wannabes face a long uphill battle in taking on the global heavyweights which have more than a century of history and huge marketing muscle.
文中的wannabe指的是“名人的崇拜模仿者”,或者“想要趕超崇拜者的人”,比如a wannabe singer就是指“妄想成為歌星的人”。Luxury wannabe在這里也就是指我國本土那些想要趕超全球知名奢侈品牌的廠商。
我國的luxury goods market(奢侈品市場)和luxury spending(奢侈品消費)近年來發展迅速,并出現了一批brand-conscious consumers(具有品牌意識的消費者)。但made-in-China的標簽總讓人聯想到mass-market goods(大眾商品),我國本土的luxury brands(奢侈品牌)還需要發展。