’Gangnam Style’ just keeps breaking records.
The insanely popular song from South Korean recording artist PSY has just become the most watched video on YouTube ever, garnering more than 808 million views on the popular media site.
The distinction was previously held by another pop heavyweight, Justin Bieber, whose song ’Baby’ had a little more than 804 million views at press time. PSY made the announcement on his Twitter page earlier today. Since its release, the song has eclipsed such other popular videos as Jennifer Lopez’s ’On the Floor,’ Eminem’s ’Love the Way You Lie’ and LMFAO’s ’Party Rock Anthem.’
And in September, ’Gangnam Style’ also became the most liked video on YouTube, now with nearly 5.4 million thumbs up. At the time of the announcement, the Guinness Book of World Records released a statement saying: ’In years past it was unthinkable that something would be viewed a hundred million times, and now Gangnam Style has achieved more than twice this figure in just three months on YouTube.
PSY, your certificate is waiting here at our office, come pick it up any time!’ Despite its massive popularity, the video shows no signs of slowing down, and it even has a shot at becoming the first video to get more than one billion views.
If it maintains its current rate of around six million new views per day, ’Gangnam Style’ would be in line to break that record by the end of the year. The YouTube honors are just the latest in a long list that shows just how popular the song has become. Since it was released in July, the song has seen a meteoric rise through the music industry. It has found its way to the tops of music charts in more than 30 countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain and Canada, while providing material for thousands of parody videos. It became a staple in the 2012 presidential elections with the now famous
‘Mitt Romney Style’ video and was even used by the North Korean government in propaganda films promoting their supreme leader. Meanwhile, such influential figures as President Obama, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt have all made mention of the hit song.
韓國唱片藝人PSY(樸載相)這首瘋狂流行的歌曲MV已經成為熱門網站YouTube史上觀看最多的視頻,在YouTube的點擊量已超過8.08億次。 原先占據這一寶座的是另一位重量級樂壇人物賈斯汀?比伯,截止到發稿時,比伯的歌曲《Baby》的點擊量稍過8.04億次。
PSY今天早些時候在他的Twitter頁面上公布了這一消息。 《江南Style》自從發布以來,已經打敗了許多其他流行歌曲MV,包括詹妮弗?洛佩茲的《On the Floor》、埃米納姆的《Love the Way You Lie》,還有LMFAO的《Party Rock Anthem》。
九月份,《江南Style》還成為YouTube的最受喜愛視頻,現在該視頻獲得網民點擊喜愛的次數已將近540萬。 在這一消息宣布之時,《吉尼斯世界紀錄》發布了一條聲明說:“前幾年一個視頻被點擊1億次這種事是難以想象的,但如今《江南Style》竟然只花三個月時間在YouTube的點擊量就達到這個數字的兩倍還多。
PSY,你的吉尼斯世界紀錄證書就在我們辦公室,隨時都可以來拿!” 盡管《江南Style》極為流行,但卻一點沒有放慢腳步的跡象,它甚至有望成為第一個點擊量超過10億的視頻。 如果《江南Style》保持當前每天600萬新點擊率的增長速度,它可能年底就將打破這一紀錄。
《江南Style》在YouTube獲得的榮譽不過是這首歌曲受歡迎的眾多表現之一。該歌曲自從七月份發布以來,就在世界各地的音樂界迅速走紅。 《江南Style》登頂30多個國家的音樂排行榜,包括英國、德國、法國、西班牙和加拿大,它還成為數千首惡搞視頻的素材來源。
在2012 年美國總統大選中這首歌曲的惡搞版本《米特?羅姆尼Style》成了必看視頻,《江南Style》甚至被朝鮮政府用于最高領導人的形象宣傳片。 與此同時,美國總統奧巴馬、聯合國秘書長潘基文和谷歌執行董事長埃里克?施密特等有影響力的人物都曾提及這一熱門歌曲。