繞口令被貼切地命名為:感覺像是你的舌頭確確實實地在扭轉。可以嘗試說說看這句話:“She sells sea shells on the sea shore. If she sells sea shells on the sea shore, where are the sea shells she sells?”
我曾經有過一個瑞士學生,他給了我一個有趣的解釋,為我澄清了一些事情:他說當他從說瑞士德語到說英語,他發現“熱身”花費了他不少時間。這個對我很有意義。每種語言都略微會有不同的聲調 — 不同的聲調意味著就有不同的口型。所以從一種語言換到另一種語言就意味著你需要讓嘴巴/舌形/動作做好熱身,否則你無法使用。
“Red lorry, yellow lorry”
“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where are the pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?”
“Three grey geese in green fields grazing.”
“Mixed biscuits, mixed biscuits.”
“Swan swam over the pond, Swim swan swim! Swan swam back again - Well swum swan!”