Alright, just give me a moment to type this up. type up=打成定稿
Couldn’t put my finger on it until he went outside. put the finger on=告發
Do you have a card Agent Kellerman? card=名片 真是流暢啊~~
Don’t hesitate to call. 給我打電話千萬別猶豫。
Don’t play stupid with me. I’m giving you a chance to save your precious conjugals. You lie to me, they’re gone and their never comin back. 別把我當傻瓜耍。 precious=寶貴的,珍愛的,貴重的;conjugal=結婚的,夫婦間的,這里引申為Sucre的夫妻探房機會。gone=離去的,死去的。
How have you been? 類似how are you
If not, you’re a corpse. So you better cut the crap and tell me the exact date and time so I can start making the arrangements. 如果不是這樣,你就成尸體了。所以你最好停止說廢話,告訴我具體準確的時間,然后我就能安排了。 cut the crap= 停止廢話
If you file a report, things could get a lot worse for me. file=提出(申請等)
I’ll tell you soon enough. 我很快就會告訴你。soon enough=很快的 這句也很實用,偶稀飯啊。
I’m trying to make amends here. Bygones be bygones.You’re a mercurial man John. 過去的事情就過去了。約翰你是個善變的男人。 bygone=過去的事,過去的;mercurial=活潑善變的,水星的
Sounds great. I really appreciate you coming by. 聽上去很不錯。很感謝你的拜訪。 come by=經過
Thanks, but I think I’d like to face the monsters on my own. on one’s own=獨自地,獨立地
We could cut off all his limbs, he still wouldn’t talk. Pain’s not the answer here. cut off=切斷,斷絕;limb=肢,翼,分支
What does it look like I’m doing? I’m rolling it up. 我看上去像在干嗎?我在收拾東西走人。 roll up=卷起,到達,出現
When I was young, I couldn’t sleep at night. 我小的時候,晚上總無法入睡。because I thought there was a monster in the closet. 因為我想壁櫥里藏著怪物。But my brother told me there wasn’t anything in the closet but fear. 但我哥哥告訴我除了恐懼沒有任何東西。And fear wasn’t real. He said it wasn’t made of anything just…air. 恐懼不是真實的。他說那只是空氣而已。Not even that. He said you just have to face it. 他說你必須去面對他才行。You just have to open that closet and the monster would disappear. 你只是需要打開櫥柜,然后你會發現怪物消失了。Brother sounds like a smart man. 看來你哥哥是聰明的人。這個sound like經常出現,例如This sound like a question about a person’s health.聽上去像在問別人的健康。