Having a whale of a time
“Dear Mum and Dad, We are having a whale of a time in San Francisco. Wish you were here with us.”
On Cloud Nine 高興得飄飄然
“Jason has been on cloud nine ever since he heard of his promotion to Sales Director.”
Tickled Pink 高興
“Tania is tickled pink. She just won tickets to see One Direction at the O2 Arena next month”.
“塔妮婭樂壞了。她剛剛贏了下個月去看One Direction在倫敦O2體育場演出的門票。
On Top of the World 站在世界之巔
“I have had a fantastic week. I’m feeling on top of the world”.
Happy as a Clam 心滿意足
“I moved to the country six months ago and I am happy as a clam”.
Buzzing 飄飄欲仙
“I am so happy today that I’m buzzing”.
Over the Moon 狂喜
“Pascale passed all her exams with top marks. She’s over the moon”.
In Seventh Heaven 極樂世界
“A beach, a book and a mojito cocktail – I am in seventh heaven”.