It has become one of the most common terms of endearment used by couples, but ’babe’ has been voted the most hated pet name for women. The term, made popular by Sonny and Cher’s Sixties hit I Got You Babe, come out on top in a new study.
“Babe(寶貝)”一次雖然是情侶間最常用于表示親昵的詞,但最近一項調查顯示,女性最討厭“babe”這個昵稱。“babe”一詞曾因為Sonny和 Cher’s Sixties的名曲《I Got You Babe》而為人熟知,但在最新的一項調查中被投票為女性最討厭的昵稱。
‘Sweetcheeks’, ‘snookums’ and ‘muffin’ were also a definite no no, but terms such as ‘gorgeous’, ‘beautiful’ and ‘lovely’ were considered acceptable.
Americanised nicknames like ‘baby girl’ and ‘baby doll’ are also unpopular, along with ‘pudding’ and ‘pumpkin’. The research also revealed that only one in five Britons calls their partner by their full name the majority of the time, with the same number admitting to using a private nickname when no-one else is around.
美式的昵稱如“baby girl(小寶貝)”“baby doll(洋娃娃)”,還有“pudding(布丁)”“pumpkin(小南瓜)”也不受女性歡迎。該調查同時披露,只有五分之一的英國人會在大多數時間叫另一半的全名,同樣還有五分之一的人承認會在沒有別人在場時叫另一半的私密昵稱。
Many of the men who took part in the study also confessed to referring to their partner with terms they would only use while she was out of earshot. ‘The Mrs’ or ‘the wife’ were still used by some men, while one in six quietly referred to their partner as ‘the boss’.
參與調查的很多男士也承認另一半不在身邊時會以特別稱謂來指代另一半,比如一些人常用的“The Mrs(夫人)”“The wife(妻子)”,而且還有六分之一的男士悄悄承認會喊他們的另一半“the boss(領導/老板)”。