買菜 ≠ buy vegetables
我們平常說的買菜是指買我們所想吃的一些東西,包括蔬菜、葷菜等。但是 buy vegetables 只是指買蔬菜,葷菜不買。
① go grocey shopping② get groceries
在國外,人們買菜時去大超市或者食品雜貨店(grocery store)。所以買菜可以用 "grocery" 來表達。
Create your dinner menu for the entire week, and then go grocery shopping to get what you needfor every dinner. 設(shè)計好一周的正餐食譜,并去商店買好需要的材料。
When men go grocery shopping, they basically stock up on meat, and things that enhance meat, like bread, or cheese, or different types of meat for layering with bread and cheese. 當男人去超市買菜時,他們一般會買肉或者能使他們長肉的東西,比如面包,奶酪,或者涂滿奶酪夾著不同肉的面包
菜市場 = food market
The food market is very crowded and noisy in the morning.
Enrich the supply of the food market to improve the people’s livelihood.
aubergine /???b??i?n/茄子
eddo /’ed??/ 小芋頭
spinach /?sp?n?d?/菠菜
beansprots 綠豆芽
asparagus /??sp?r?ɡ?s/ 蘆筍
cucumber /?kju?k?mb?(r)/黃瓜
pimiento /?p?m???nt??/甜椒
potato 馬鈴薯
carrot 胡蘿卜
broad bean 蠶豆
cabbage 圓白菜,卷心菜
chilli 辣椒
garlic 蒜
chive /t?a?v/蔥
fennel /?fenl/茴香
cos lettuce /?let?s/萵苣
melon 香瓜,甜瓜
mushroom 蘑菇
celery /?sel?ri/芹菜
leek 韭菜
radish /?r?d??/蘿卜
pea 豌豆
potato 土豆
tomato 西紅柿
pumpkin /?p?mpk?n/南瓜
sweet potato 甘薯