1. Kudos, man. 行啊,你小子。
2. You sound sanctimonious. 別假裝神圣。
3. She’s meek and mild. 她很溫柔。
4. You must have the Midas touch. 你真是太會賺錢了。
5. Everything will fall into place. 一切就會迎刃而解。
6. There’s no point in beating your chest. 捶胸頓足有什么用?
7. I’m going to up the ante. 我準備加大賭注。
8. Little headway has been made. 還沒什么進展。
9. You should take criticism in your stride. 你得對批評刀槍不入。
10. A bunch of Philistines. 一幫俗人!