1. Set a 10-minute alarm
Essentially, you "make a deal with yourself" that even though you don’t like doing the task, you do it anyway for 10 minutes. Once you’re already involved, it’s less tempting to quit.
2. Leave yourself an easy task for the following morning
Try to leave yourself something easy to do the next morning. If you find a programming bug and see that it will be an easy fix, you just leave it for the next morning.
3. Exercise
Indeed, research has found that young adults who reported being fatigued all the time felt more energetic and less tired when they exercised at a low or moderate intensity.
4. Get a partner
Heartly Serious suggests finding a partner to hold you accountable for your non-lazy behavior.For example: "If you schedule time at the gym with a friend, you’ll have more motivation to actually get up."
Heartly Serious欄目建議,去找一位伙伴對你的勤奮表現負責。舉個例子:“如果你安排了時間與朋友在健身房鍛煉,你就會有更大的動力起床。”
5. Dress up
Here’s a tip that’s particularly useful for those who work remotely. As fashion psychologist Karen Pine told Forbes, "When we put on an item of clothing it is common for the wearer to adopt the characteristics associated with that garment. A lot of clothing has symbolic meaning for us, whether it’s ’professional work attire’ or ’relaxing weekend wear’, so when we put it on we prime the brain to behave in ways consistent with that meaning."
這個小訣竅對于遠程工作的人們特別適用。正如時尚心理學家Karen Pine向Forbes雜志表示,“當我們穿上了一件衣服,衣服的穿著者自然而然就想要采用與衣服相配的風格。許多衣服對我們個人來說有象征性意義,無論那是一件‘專業職場風’還是‘周末休閑風’,因此當我們穿上了它,我們就會在大腦做好準備,以此表現的個人風格與衣服的風格相一致。”
6. Write down the problems you’re putting off facing
Procrastinating starts with avoiding to think about the problems awaiting you. Before you get your work energy up, stop and think about the problems, the details, put them on paper, make a list, a graph, whatever you like to describe it.
7. Do the thing you’re thinking about
"The best advice I have seen is when you catch yourself thinking about something you should be doing, just get up and do it." writes Burglarysheepspeak.“
8. Don’t “break the chain”
As Seinfeld told software developer Brad Isaac, for every day he gets his writing done, he puts a big ’X’ over that day on the calendar. After a few days, he has a nice chain and his only job is not to break it.