John O’Hara to His Daughter約翰?奧哈拉給女兒的信
By John O’Hara
Quogue,Long Island
16 September1962,Sunday
My dear:
Well,here we are——but not here.You at St.Tim’s,Sister in Princeton,and me in Quogue,and another brand new year is about to start for you.For me,too.I always seem to approach the autumn in the frame of mind that spring induces in most people.The excitement of new things;the new plays,the new books,new clothes,etc.,etc.,etc.At the same time the autumn for me is a season of a sweet melancholy that is hard to explain. I love the early evenings,the leaves burning,the lights in houses.
It is the beginning of a big year for you,in many respects your biggest so far.By the time June comes around you will be 18,and graduating from school.In the past week or so I have called you“Kid” but subconsciously I have been doing that because your kid days are over,or just about.I suspect that you are going through the experience of first love,and no matter what else happens,after that experience you are never a kid again.