英 [?'m???(?)n]
- n. 情感;情緒
- He lost control of his emotions.
- 他情緒失去了控制。
- They expressed mixed emotions at the news.
- 他們對這個消息表現出復雜的感情。
- Emotions are running high (= people are feeling very excited, angry, etc.) .
- 群情激奮。
- The decision was based on emotion rather than rational thought.
- 這個決定不是基于理性的思考而是基于感情作出的。
- She showed no emotion at the verdict.
- 她對這一裁定無動于衷。
- Mary was overcome with emotion.
- 瑪麗激動得不能自持。
- ...the split between reason and emotion.
- 理性和感性的劃分
- Her voice trembled with emotion.
- 她的聲音因情緒激動而顫抖。
- Happiness was an emotion that Reynolds was having to relearn...
- 雷諾茲已經不知道什么是快樂。
- So you wouldn't consider this to be a normal rescue procedure.
- 那么這并不符合常規的營救程序,對嗎?
- Her voice was low and shaky with emotion.
- 她的聲音低沉,因激動而有些顫抖.
- The patriot's voice trembled from the fervo ( u ) r of his emotion.
- 這位愛國者由于感情 激昂 而聲音發抖.
- He spoke in a voice touched with emotion.
- 他以激動的聲音說話.
- Her voice shook [ quaked ] with emotion.
- 她激動得聲音 顫抖.
- The girl was overwhelmed with emotion and couldn't speak for a moment.
- 這女孩非常激動,一時說不出話來.
- Emotion swells and subsides.
- 情緒忽高忽低.
- Emotion should never be a substitute for sound policy.
- 感情不能代替政策.
- My breast is filled with emotion.
- 我心情激動.
- His face worked with emotion.
- 他激動得面部抽搐.
- She was shaking with emotion.
- 她激動得渾身發抖.
- Her heart was thumping with emotion.
- 她激動得心怦怦直跳.
- Other groups such as the Church of God conduct their services with much more informality and a greater display of emotion.
- 上帝會等其他團體做禮拜時不大拘泥形式,情感也就更加外露.
- Her voice shock with excessive emotion.
- 她的聲音因過分激動而顫抖.
- She was so overcome with emotion that she couldn't go on.
- 她激動得說不下去.
- the exaltation of emotion above logical reasoning
- 把情感提高到邏輯推理之上
- a huge upswell of emotion
- 膨脹的激情
- They were caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion.
- 他們陷入了感情旋渦。
- His voice wavered with emotion.
- 他激動得嗓音發抖。
- Her voice wobbled with emotion.
- 她激動得聲音發顫。
- I got all the emotion out of me which had been stored up.
- 我把心中壓抑的所有情感都發泄了出來。