英 ['nju?m(?)r?s]
- adj. 許多的,很多的
- He has been late on numerous occasions.
- 他已經遲到過無數次了。
- The advantages of this system are too numerous to mention.
- 這套系統的好處不勝枚舉。
- Sex crimes were just as numerous as they are today...
- 當時性犯罪和現在一樣多。
- Despite numerous attempts to diet, her weight soared.
- 盡管多次嘗試節食,她的體重仍然飆升了。
- Reading and writing are important skills.
- 讀和寫是重要的技能.
- The scoundrel's crimes were too numerous to record.
- 這個歹徒罪行累累,罄竹難書.
- In a big department store, there are numerous departments selling different kinds of goods.
- 大百貨公司里有許多部門分售各類商品.
- Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.
- 黨的激進分子中有很多出身于中產階級下層.
- The related publications are far too numerous to list individually.
- 相關出版物太多,沒法一一列舉.
- The names of items are too numerous to enumerate.
- 名目繁多不勝枚舉.
- There are myriads of flags enough to conceal the sun, and swords are as numerous as a field of hemp.
- 旌旗蔽日, 刀劍如麻.
- The typhoon uprooted numerous trees.
- 臺風把許多樹連根拔起.
- There are numerous people in the square.
- 有許多人在廣場上.
- The heroic deeds of the people's soldiers are too numerous to enumerate.
- 人民子弟兵的事跡舉不勝舉.
- He was attended by a numerous retinue.
- 他有許多隨員陪同.
- He had numerous excuses to offer for being late.
- 他對遲到有無數的托詞.
- Similar cases are numerous.
- 凡此種種,不一而足.
- Numerous houses collapsed as a result of the Tangshan Earthquake in 1976.
- 在1976年,無數的房屋因唐山地震而倒坍.
- There have been numerous exchanges of views between the two governments.
- 兩國政府間曾多次交換意見.
- He has watched a video replay of his fall on numerous occasions.
- 他多次看自己跌倒時的重放錄像.
- In a straight fight the crusaders usually won; in skirmishes, the Saracens often overcame their more numerous opponents.
- 單打獨斗,十字軍戰士通常會贏; 在小規模戰斗中, 撒拉遜人經常能以少勝多.
- His money is very numerous.
- 他的錢非常多.
- They showed the old lady numerous little attentions at the tea party.
- 在茶話會上他們對那位老太太百般殷勤.
- He has been late on numerous occasions.
- 他已經遲到過無數次了。
- He was surrounded by his numerous progeny.
- 眾多的子孫簇擁著他。
- He was asked to sit on numerous committees.
- 他受邀擔任過許多委員會的委員。
- The doctors gave numerous examples of patients being expelled from hospital.
- 醫生們列舉了大量病人被逐出醫院的實例。
- He made numerous errors of fact and was torn to pieces during the subsequent question time.
- 他犯了數不清的事實錯誤,并在隨后的答疑時間中被批得體無完膚。
- Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance.
- 很多翁布里亞小鎮舉辦自己的夏季音樂、戲劇和舞蹈節。